Luna Continues to Impress

Day 4, Monday December 22


Here is a quick video showing my girl’s fancy new walk 🙂

I am pleased to report that Luna’s recovery is still going very well! She is getting more comfortable as a tripod, and has nearly mastered going up stairs, the one thing she had trouble with the first couple of days. Her rear leg goes up two steps at a time, she’s so tall! She is eating well, sleeping well, calm & comfy! She wants to jump on the couch with us so badly & just curl up with her brother Rupert under the blankie. Soon enough, my dear! I have been snuggling with her a lot on her bed, doing massage, TTouches and acupressure. I have no doubt this has helped immensely with her calmness and any pain. Even without a specific purpose, touch is so important for your animal always, but especially in situations like this. The incision looks like it is healing very well. She is laying on that side on her bed nearly half of the time, so I would say it doesn’t hurt her too badly at all. She had a bit of a romp in the back yard, part of which is shown in the video above, so she’s good & tired as I write this. (Though, when I went to take her back into the house, she was still trying to pull me down the street for more!)

In some posts, I will be sharing many of the resources that have really been helpful, such as diet & herbs, alternative therapies, exercise & strengthening, and other tips & resources I’ve found online. I hope that some of these can help others as much as they’ve helped and will continue to help us!

Today I want to share an amazing resource for any dog or cat going through cancer. This is where I have gotten a lot of my information from. Lena McCullough, DVM is a Seattle area holistic veterinarian who has extensive experience helping pets live, survive & thrive with cancer. She also has an etsy shop where you can order her herbal formulations, once you & your holistic vet have decided on a plan and what herbs are right for your animal. Below is her free e-book, which is an abundance of information to help you and your furry friend!

Lastly, I don’t think I will be posting many four-legged pictures of my girl, as we are looking forward to her new life as a tripod, and I want to focus on sharing that with you, but I have to share this picture of my girl enjoying life last summer. She is so athletic and beautiful! I can’t wait to see her running on three.

Luna full stride gorgeous
Luna at Discovery Park, Seattle

One thought on “Luna Continues to Impress”

  1. What a wonderful video. She looks so graceful!! It’s kind of neat to watch how they adapt to moving their legs differently. I am extremely interested in seeing the e-book from your holistic vet. That is pretty much what we have decided for Bubba. We can’t really afford to do chemo. I look forward to seeing more of your gorgeous girl!!

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